'The Sims 4' Punishes Pirates By Pixelating The Entire Game
Those running a pirated version of The Sims 4 will find a unique deterrent waiting for them after their character takes a shower or any other activity that involves undressing, as developer Maxis has added a special feature to the game to help curb illegal copies.
In regular versions of Sims 4, when a character undresses, the Sim is allotted a small amount of privacy by way of a pixelated area covering their exposed bits. The pixelation is removed once the Sim is dressed again. In illegal copies of the game, the pixelated area is not removed, instead it slowly grows in size until the entire screen is covered, rendering the game nearly unplayable.
What do you guys think about this? Is it fair? Is it genius?
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I think it’s easily patched.
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- mylife-is-messed answered: I know what it is. It’s gone.
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- twerkfurcats answered: Totally fair. I’ve never seen anyone do something like this before for pirated versions! You get what you deserve :P
- magsbe answered: It’s absurd.
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