EA may bring The Sims 4 to other platforms
EA will “explore the possibility” of porting The Sims 4 to other platforms once the PC version has launched and is “playing well”, producer Ryan Vaughan has said.
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- antifeministcunt reblogged this from sims4news and added:
Won’t be hard, the PC game feels like a damned xbox game.
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- violetpoof reblogged this from sims4news and added:
of course, why not. I mean, Money
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- tychea said: why
- quotes-on-sundays reblogged this from sims4news and added:
I see they posed the date back by 2 days. Tsk tsk, EA, tsk tsk.
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- annegirl13 said: This still seems to me to say, “No Mac version”. Boo! Am I understanding this correctly?
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- mlkm said: hell no
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- diabolicalnerd said: uggghhh
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