The Sims 4 Cheat Code Masterlist
- Press CTRL+SHIFT+C to open the cheat console.
- You must enable Testing Cheats Mode by typing in testingcheats true as well as AutomationTestingCheats true.
- Testing Cheats Mode is disabled every time you switch lots, so keep that in mind.
- Anything listed inside of brackets (i.e. [ ]) indicates a selection of possible values for a single option. [true/false] means you can either put “True” or “False”. Do not include the brackets!
- Anything listed inside of angle brackets (i.e < >) is a value you should provide. Do not include the brackets.
Official EA Cheats
These cheats were officially released by EA for players to use and as such, should be fairly bug-free.
Get 50,000 Simoleons
Get 1,000 Simoleons
kaching OR rosebud
Make Lots Free
Enable/Disable Death
Death.toggle [true/false]
Reset Sim to a Default State
resetSim [FirstName] [LastName]
Enable Full CAS Editing for Existing Sims
Enable Free Real Estate
freerealestate true
Developer Cheats
Get Sim ID
*Some cheats require the Sim ID instead of your sims First and Last name. Use this command to get it. You’re only interested in the long numerical string at the end.*
sims.get_sim_id_by_name <yoursimfirstname> <yoursimlastname>
Money Cheats
Set Household fund to exact amount
<amount> is a number value.
money <amount>
Add or subtract amount from Household funds
<(-)amount> is a positive or negative number.
sims.modify_funds <(-)amount>
Careers and Skills
Set Skill Level <level> is a number between 1 and 10
Stats.set_skill_level <skilltype> <level>
Promote Career
Careers.promote <NameOfCareer>
careers.promote secretagent
Demote Career
Careers.demote <NameOfCareer>
Add Career
Careers.add_career <NameOfCareer>
Remove Career
Careers.remove_career <NameOfCareer>
Raise a Child’s Grade Performance
Careers.promote Gradeschool
Careers.promote Highschool
Aspiration Cheats
Complete Aspiration’s Current Milestone and get Points
Add 100 Aspiration Points
Note: You have to run the remove_buff command in order to use the cheat again.
sims.add_buff Points
sims.remove_buff Points
Get Infinite Potions using the Infinite Consumables Cheat
Note: Run this command first, then buy a potion. Place it in the world and the sim will drink it indefinitely until you cancel the action. They’ll sit the potion back down to use again later. This works on all consumables but food will still spoil.
Cheats for Needs
Fill Specific Need
fillmotive <motiveType>
fillmotive motive_hunger
Emotions and Buffs
Add Emotions and other Buffs to Sim
Sims.add_buff <buffType>
Remove a Specific Buff
Sims.remove_buff <buffType>
Reset Sim to Fine (Removes all buffs)
Modify a Relationship’s Friendliness and Romance Levels
<yoursimFirst> is your active sim’s first name.
<yoursimLast> is your active sim’s last name.
<targetsimFirst> is the target sim’s first name.
<targetsimLast> is the target sim’s last name.
<(-)amount> is a positive or negative value between 1-100.
<track> is either: [Friendship_Main/Romance_Main]
modifyrelationship <yoursimFirst> <yoursimLast> <targetsimFirst> <targetsimLast> <(-)amount> <track>
modifyrelationship Jim Bob Jill Smith 50 Friendship_Main
Skip Introduction Menu for Strangers
Note:Not reversible once applied.
Spawn a Friend for Me
Note:Spawns a sim on your lot with a 50% friendship status with your active sim.
Makes Acquantances with ALL sims
Note: Includes recently deceased sims. Takes a few seconds to complete.
NOTE: The following relationship commands require sim ID’s. See the Sim ID section above to get these.
Completely Destroy a Relationship
relationship.destroy yoursimID targetsimID
Add a Relationship Bit (Status) Between Two Sims
relationship.add_bit <yoursimID> <targetsimID> <relationshipBit>
<relationshipBit> can be one of the following values:
Trait Cheats
Add Trait to Sim
traits.equip_trait <traitnameNoSpaces>
Example: traits.equip_trait SteelBladder
**Remove Trait from Sim
traits.rremove_trait <traitnameNoSpaces>
Example: traits.remove_trait SteelBladder
Sims, Age, and Behavior
Spawn Sim and Add to Household
Spawn Sim as Stranger
<amount> is a number indicating how many sims to spawn. Be careful, large amounts will crash the game.
sims.spawnSimple <amount>
Set Sim Age to Adult
Note: Exercise caution with this.
Make Sim Behave As Maid
Adding this buff will make your sim behave normally, but when there’s something to clean up they’ll immediately do it on their own.
Turn Maid Behavior on
sims.add_buff NPC_Maid
Turn Maid Behavior off
sims.remove_buff NPC_Maid
SOAK: Handyman, Maid, and Parties
Note: The developers used these cheats to stress-test the system. Because that was the focus of these commands, the handymen and maids are just randomly generated sims. They behave as expected - they’ll chat for a few hours, fixing/cleaning anything that needs it, then leave.
Enable Handyman
Call Handyman
Enable Maid
Call Maid
Enable Party
Call Party
Help Your Sim Over The Edge (Influence Death)
You can’t immediately kill your sim, but adding these following buffs might help:
Death by Repair
Add this buff then have your sim try fixing items around the house.
sims.add_buff buff_Death_Electrocution_Warning
Death by Exhaustion
Add this buff and your sim might die immediately. If not, try working out. This doesn’t always work as the workout options will gray out.
sims.add_buff buff_Death_ElderExhaustion_Warning
Object Cheats
NOTE: These cheats will likely fail for you due to the object ID’s varying. I’m currently working out a way to standardize these.
This is fairly experimental. Use caution.
Delete the Ol’ Rusty mailbox
objects.destroy 0x0ee3008799520c7c
Delete the Willow Creek mailbox
objects.destroy 0x0ee3008799520c32
Set Trashcan as your Head
Because why not?
objects.set_as_head 0x0ee3008799520c92
Remove Trashcan